As one of the first registered Microsoft Authorised Refurbishers in the UK, 1st Technologies is committed to distributing substantial quantities of quality refurbished PC’s, Laptops and Workstations on a regular basis. Our partnership with Microsoft is unique to large IT refurbishment organisations and allows us to provide genuine, authenticate Windows software on our refurbished systems at incredibly economical prices.
Furthering our commitment to responsible environmental policies, the added value achieved with the Microsoft initiative permits otherwise uneconomically upgradeable systems to be refurbished and remarketed as perfectly functioning home and office computers.
Immediately alleviate all security, data sensitivity and licensing worries when supplying your customers with Microsoft certified refurbished computers from a Microsoft accredited Authorized Refurbisher.
Only with genuine Microsoft licensed products can you be sure that you’re operating system will be protected with the latest software updates to protect against unwanted developments in the every-changing IT security world.
In providing your customers with anything other than genuine Microsoft Windows, you run the risk of substantial fines, legal action and the ‘name and same’ (link) campaign which will leave your reputation in tatters.
The Microsoft Citizenship initiative enables you to pass on substantial license cost savings to your educational and charity customers when buying Microsoft MAR systems from 1st Technologies.
As a nationwide supplier to educational institutions across the UK, ICT Directs’ customers are able to benefit from our Microsoft status with the same heavily discounted licenses for their education customers. Meanwhile charities can avail from the same benefits when buying through bargain hardware’s SME sales team.
Microsoft’s Refurbisher Programs help enterprises, people and communities around the world embrace a more sustainable technological future. See how bargain hardware helped a local haulier with an economical and environmentally friendly solution to their IT requirements; (Case Study link to CSH)
Why buy MAR systems from 1st Technologies: